New Cairo: HCC Building, behind Airforce Specialized Hospital - Roxy: 6 Boutros Ghaly +20 12 049 52 502 info@sherifashoush.com

Assisted Reproduction (IVF/ICSI) and Treatment of Infertility

Professor Dr Sherif Ashoush manages all types of cases of delayed conception, whether those needing induction of ovulation, treatment of male factor, needing laparoscopy or hysteroscopy, requiring treatment of reproductive immune disturbances…


Treatment of Recurrent Miscarriage

The clinic’s policy is to respect the sensitive sides of such difficult cases who, would have usually had several painful experiences and have tried several types of treatment in the past. The doctor usually runs an initial consultation session to study/discuss the case…


Preterm Labor and Delivery

We follow up these cases starting in early pregnancy, we even advise them to come for a pre-pregnancy consultation in an attempt to diagnose and treat different causes of preterm delivery, since some cases may need a hysteroscopy (key hole surgery through the neck of the womb)…


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Prof. Dr. Sherif Ashoush manages cases of PCOS, evaluates ovarian functions, and checks the effects of bodyweight and other hormones controlling ovarian functions, such as the ovulation hormones or the male, thyroid, insulin, adrenal hormones and vitamin D level…


High Risk Pregnancy

High risk pregnancy is any pregnancy associated with higher risks to the mother or fetus, like cases of hypertension and preeclampsia, diabetes mellitus, bleeding during pregnancy or poor fetal growth. The causes of high risk may be classified into internal chronic or acute diseases (like preeclampsia or chronic hypertension), surgical conditions such as adherent placenta at delivery, …


We are proud to collaborate with “ARGC”, the most famous infertility clinic in London – UK, as well as all the Egyptian Medical Service websites and applications. You may book an appointment with us by telephone, WhatsApp, E-mail or -if you wish- through any of the following services.

Blogs / Information Leaflets

Recurrent Miscarriage

Recurrent Miscarriage

My last pregnancy ended by miscarriage, what may be the cause? First, I must clarify that most miscarriages,...

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