Few days prior to surgery:
- Kindly, tell your doctor about any chronic illness, previous surgeries or long term medications.
2. You are requested to have the following blood tests:
- Complete blood count
- Liver functions and markers for hepatitis B&C
- Fasting blood glucose
- S. Creatinine
- PT & PTT (unless told otherwise)
- Only in diabetics, cardiac and hypertensives: ECG (+/- Echocardiography if requested)
3. Most gynecological surgeries should best be done within one week from the end of the period.
On the night before your operation
- Complete Fasting for 10 hours.
- Take your next morning medications (if requested) with a little sip of clear water.
- Do not take your morning dose of treatment for diabetes mellitus.
On the morning of surgery
- The usual appointment is at 8:30 AM in hospital (unless told otherwise).
- Shave any hair in the bikini area and take a warm shower.
- Remove any jewelry, rings, hair pins or lose dental protheses.
- Only 100% cotton wear is allowed.
- Talk to the anesthetist about any medical problems, loose teeth, allergies, diseases of the vertebral column or neck region.
Wishing you the best of health