My experience with Dr Sherif was wonderful. We visited his clinic with concerns about conceiving. Throughout my journey he was very professional, always present to answer questions and to offer great moral support.
A very professional doctor, very patient: hears you well and gives a detailed but simple explanation and really helpful.
London, UK
She also wouldn’t be here without your help. I can never thank you enough for both your help then, and the care and advice you have given me over the years in my quest to be a mum and for us to be a family. So, a huge and very heartfelt;Thank You; from all of us.
Dubai, UAE.
I was longing to become a mother, visited many doctors and had lots of medicines with no use. With Dr Sherif, I felt in good hands, he was really reliable and compassionate. He helped me throughout a stressful journey till we reached what he initially promised.
Cairo, Egypt.
Congratulations from all of us here at the ARGC. I was very pleased to hear your good news and thank you so much for letting me know. Keep up the good work. We all hope to see you soon in London inshallah.
.Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
London, UK.
Remarkably quickly, Dr Sherif Ashoush became an invaluable member of our team. His theoretical knowledge is broad and up to date, he approached clinical problems in a very intellectual manner. He has excellent clinical skills and judgement, always reliable, enthusiastic and conscientious in his work. He was very popular with patients, medical and midwifery colleagues and we enjoyed having him at Wythenshawe, South Manchester University Hospitals.
Head Midwife, Lakes DHB Rotorua Hospital, New Zealand.
I envy all those women who are blessed to receive your care. You’re a wonderful person.
Nurse Unit Manager at Knox Hospital, Victoria, Australia.
You are an incredibly dedicated Doctor and an asset to the profession.
Luxor, Egypt.
After 4 years of trying for a baby and after many failures at IVF, Dr Sherif helped us achieve a natural pregnancy. We can’t thank him enough for all his help, advice and treatment provided till we had our lovely daughter.
Saudi Arabia.
I’m a Saudi patient who faced some difficulties in getting pregnant. I roamed around the world feeling down and suffocated until I found my treatment by the brilliant doctors M. Taranisi & S. Ashoush. Dr Sherif was very a patient and compassionate doctor who didn’t let me down although my case was hard. He tried his best until the miracle was done.
Thank you Allah for giving me the chance to meet Dr Sherif and had my case treated. Thanks for each step on the way. Thanks for being the doctor and the healer.
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
He is a perfect responsible and professional doctor, I followed up my pregnancy with him and I was very comfortable. He knew how to deal with my stress and pregnancy issues.
Cairo, Egypt.
A very professional doctor, very patient: hears you well and gives a detailed but simple explanation and really helpful.
Cairo, Egypt.
Excellent doctor, very patient and understanding, always available and really friendly. He is the kind of doctor I needed to follow my pregnancy.
Cairo, Egypt.
An excellent doctor, very elegant clinic, the doctor hears you well with a lot of patience and a calm smile.
Cairo, Egypt.
Thank you so much, Dr Sherif. Without you being there in every & each moment and detail, I would not have had these three miracles and blessings in my life.
Cairo, Egypt.
The doctor was vey decent, good listener, professional and honest, highly recommended.
د/ شريف على المستوى العلمى: محترف. على المستوى الفكرى: أكتر طبيب بيفكر خارج الصندوق لإيجاد حلول علمية لمرضاه. على المستوى الشخصى: نعم الطبيب الإنسان. لسيادتكم جزيل الشكر على متابعتى خلال رحلة علاجى وأفتخر بتعديلاتك العلاجية على أطباء أمريكا
كل التقدير والإحترام لدكتور/ شريف عشوش لأنه، بعد الله عز وجل، كان سبب في أن يرزقنا الله بأطفالنا بعد مشوار طويل في العلاج في جميع مستشفيات مصر بسبب الإجهاض المتكرر.
دبى, الإمارات
تجربتي مع دكتور شريف كانت اكثر من رائعة ، طبيب موثوق فيه ويعتمد عليه وفوق كل ده مريح نفسياً.
الأستاذ الفاضل الدكتور شريف عشوش لك كل الإحترام والتقدير على طريقة تعاملك مع المرضى بصفة عامة ومعى أنا بصفة شخصية. فقد تابعت حملى فى ٣ مرات إجهاض ومرتين ولادة قيصرية. وبفضل ربنا ثم الدكتور شريف بأكون فى أحسن حالة صحياً ونفسياً بالرغم من صعوبة حالتى الطبية
ربنا يكرمك يا دكتور شريف ويجازيك كل خير فى حياتك على ما بذلت من جهد فى علاجى حتى أصبحت أماً لطفلين. جعله الله في موازين حسنا
كنت محظوظة لأن تجربتى الأولى مع الأمومة كانت على يد الدكتور شريف عشوش ، عبرت تلك الرحلة بثقة وبدعم نفسي منه. وبعد مرور كل تلك الأعوام ، ما زال هو الطبيب الناصح لى ولكل الأسرة
Cairo, Egypt.
دكتور شريف عشوش حقيقى ممتاز و متافهم جداااااا و بيستمع للمريض بكل هدوء و انصات وبيطمنه و عنده قدرة للتفهيم و توصيل المعلومة و تبسيطها.
Cairo, Egypt.
دكتور ممتاز ومستمع جيد جدا وربنا يباركله ومفيد جدا.
Cairo, Egypt.
دكتور محترم جداً و بشوش و قمة في الذوق و الشطارة.
Cairo, Egypt.
دكتور ممتاز وبيعطى وقت للمريض وبيسمع كل التفاصيل وعلى علم وفير
بارك الله فيك يادكتور
Cairo, Egypt.
ممتاز وصبور ومحترم والعيادة نظيفه وشاطر جداً ممتاز جداً جداً جداً
Cairo, Egypt.
الدكتور ممتاز علميا وخلقا ومستمع جيد ويشرح لكل الحالة وخطة العلاج بالتفصيل.
Cairo, Egypt.
Saturday – Wednesday
8:00 PM – 10:00 PM
New Cairo
Saturday & Wednesday
01:00 PM – 03:00 PM
Sunday, Monday & Tuesday
06:00 PM – 09:00 PM
Please Call
Head Nurse: 012 049 52 502
Heliopolis: 02 24542534
New Cairo: 02 28124251
or Call the Doctor (in Extreme Emergency)
012 86 800 600