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Screening and Early Diagnosis of Gynecologic Tumors

Screening and Early Diagnosis of Gynecologic Tumors

Are gynecologic malignant diseases getting more common?

Unfortunately, yes, they are. This may be due to increased pollution, smoking, late marriage, late pregnancy, or simply better available diagnostic tools. Yet, the last reason has a bright side since it would lead to diagnosis at earlier stages, which increases the chances of survival.

How may I know whether I am likely to develop such diseases or not?

For example, the average risk of developing breast malignancy is 8-10%. This increases with advancing age or with other conditions such as older age at first pregnancy, or family history, or chronic ovulation disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or infertility, or some chronic breast diseases. Most of these conditions may be easily diagnosed.

How should I be screened for such problems?

As regards breast tumors, women are advised to have a self-examination once a month, e.g. while showering, best immediately following the period. You should also get a mammography and breast ultrasonography at least once every 3 years. This allows for early diagnosis, more conservative surgery and better chances following treatment.

Are there any similar screening methods for other gynecological tumors?

There are very useful screening tests for cervical tumors, namely the regular 3 yearly cervical smear and the screening for HPV infections.

While tumors of the uterine cavity and the ovaries have no screening tests yet. So, it is always advisable to consult your doctor if you have strong family history of such conditions, or if you get irregular vaginal bleeding, postmenopausal bleeding, chronic bloating, distension or constipation, severe weight loss.

In such cases, you may need one or more of the following:

  • Pelvic ultrasonography.
  • Blood tests for tumor markers.
  • Hysteroscopy.
  • Biopsy from the lining of the womb (endometrium).


Best wishes for health and happiness,

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