New Cairo: HCC Building, behind Airforce Specialized Hospital - Roxy: 6 Boutros Ghaly +20 12 049 52 502 info@sherifashoush.com

Assisted reproduction (IVF/ICSI) and treatment of infertility


Professor Dr Sherif Ashoush manages all types of cases of delayed conception, whether:

  • needing induction of ovulation,
  • treatment of male factor,
  • needing laparoscopy or hysteroscopy,
  • requiring treatment of reproductive immune disturbances, or
  • needing assisted reproduction techniques such as intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

The doctor has a long experience, of more than 15 years, in the field, through his work in the biggest infertility centers in Egypt and the United Kingdom. He was trained, in London, by Dr Mohammed Taranissi, the internationally most famous consultant in the field, and reached very distinct success rates. Dr Ashoush also has a long experience in Egypt in the biggest infertility centers.

His MD studies were focused on the use of color Doppler technique in following up cases of IVF/ICSI, and he published several distinguished scientific papers in some of the highest ranking international medical research journals in the field of reproductive immunology.

The Doctor relies on a flexible yet precise technique in following up cases of IVF/ICSI, where the follow up of the stimulation phase is thoroughly checked through frequent closely spaced visits during treatment to allow individual decision making in selecting medicines, doses and protocols of stimulation, which would be most successful with particular cases rather than adopting a one-for-all technique, since the ovarian response and the type of disease differ from one case to another.

Follow up is through an every-other-day hormone test and ultrasound scan to allow for changing or modifying the medications and doses of treatment early enough to ensure the best possible response rate.

Initial and follow-up visits are held in the clinic, while laparoscopy/hysteroscopy lists are ran in some of the biggest hospitals in Heliopolis and New-Cairo. The IVF/ICSI operations are done in Queens Royal Center in New-Cairo.

The Doctor sub-specializes in treatment of previous unexplained ICSI failures. Such cases are usually either due to missed fine details during the treatment course (such as hormone follow-up or choice of medicines) or due to defects in the reproductive immunology aspects.

Treatment of the latter usually needs intralipid or IVIG (intravenous immunoglobulins) infusions, blood thinning medications (to reduce blood clotting), and the use of medications as steroid tablets, Adalimumab (Humira) injections, Growth Hormone, Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor, etc… Professor Ashoush has co-authored and published several scientific articles in some of the biggest international medical journals on researches in the field of reproductive immunology.

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